Happy well-deserved vacation students! 

Joy mixed with nostalgia are taking over at the end of this school year. We are proud of all of you for the way you have faced and overcome challenges this school year. You inspire us! On the 28th of this month you begin a well-deserved vacation, enjoy!

We also thank all parents for being attentive to the development of their children and being supportive and proactive in CADI’s activities. We ask you to stay tuned for information about the next school year.

Our teachers will begin an evaluation of their teaching practice, and then they will prepare for our next upcoming school year, 2023-2024.

PLANNING, TEACHING AND LEARNING is how we reflect on the motivation and guidance we offer our students throughout the learning process in order for them to become actively involved in their education.  

It requires having a clear knowledge of the students, the curriculum, the foundations that support the pedagogical model, and the guiding principles of learning and teaching. It implies foreseeing, the articulation of contents to be taught with teaching and learning strategies, and activities and resources, all in a determined period of time.

Planning teaching and learning involves researching, experimenting, hypothesizing, confirming, and concluding… reviewing and rethinking teaching… learning from practice in a continuous, open, flexible, cyclical, non-linear process of permanent construction and reconstruction of knowledge. The quality of teaching and learning can be expressed in well-formulated and ordered plans. There is no doubt that they generate quality products when they are the result of processes duly supported by a methodology based on reflection and collective, committed, and well-founded debate by the teaching teams.

We are committed and working towards academic excellence!

Happy Holidays!Damaris Hillary – Academic Director