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Coming Up soon

Film Production (new extracurricular activity)

12th January 2023 (1st week courtesy class)

CADI has launched a new extracurricular activity… Film Production. And leading the classes will be internationally renowned Evgeniya Raukh. The course began on 12th January but it’s not too late to sign up.

Evgeniya’s initial classes will cover the origin of cinema, scrip, filming, costume, make up and editing. After this, students will roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Students will distribute roles and start the filming process. And to round everything off, there’ll be a master class where students have a professional tour of a studio and can ask as many questions as their hearts desire. Finally, it’ll be time for the grand finale… the Premiere of the film that the students make.  Of course, you’ll be invited!

Evgeniya is a member of the Ukranian Film Academy and Ukrainian Cinematographer’s’ Union. She is also General Producer for the Alta Brava film production company, creates feature films, commercials, and music videos from start to finished product: idea creation, budget formation, fundraising, pre- production, production, editing, post- production, promo, marketing strategy and distribution.

Her filmography career so far includes RRR (2021), Storonniy (2020), Hutsulka kseny (2019), Mossad 101 (2018), Monatik “UVLIUVT” (2017), Lol: Rzhaka (2017), To Win it All (2016) and, Netherland Production Platform (2013).

With Evgeniya, the children will definitely be working with a pro!

Academic department