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Congratulations Kindergarten and 6th Grade Graduates!

A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion: the culmination of years of hard work; the updating of the goals achieved and the recognition of the successes achieved. It is therefore only fitting that today we commemorate the path that we have all traveled together in recent years.

It has been a journey that began with tentative steps perhaps but has taken us to remarkable heights. We’ve met some trials and tribulations along the way…we keep going and come out of it stronger. We have experienced exceptional moments; magical moments and we have created memories that will be fondly remembered for years to come.

Henry Ford wisely said: «Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; and working together is success.» Looking back over the last few years, there was certainly a start and luckily there was progress as well and yes, we have certainly been successful!

Never stop learning, because life will never stop teaching.


Academic department