12. new sport program

New sport program at Colegio Alemán Del Istmo 

We are pleased to inform you that we are introducing a new sports program at CADI, designed to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle among our students.

This program will include a variety of sports and physical activities that will help our students develop sports skills, teamwork, discipline, and respect.

Our school encourages our students to dynamic recreation, exploring new disciplines such as golf, basketball, soccer, volleyball, Zumba, yoga, etc. We are committed to providing a comprehensive education that promotes the physical and emotional well-being of our students, and we know that this program will be an ideal complement to our educational approach in line with our mission and vision.

The new sports program will run during normal physical education classes and extracurricular activities. Classes will be led by expert trainers and held in our freshly refurbished sports facilities.

Our specialties are:

Juan Colmenares serves as the coordinator.

Genesis Peralta is a staff teacher.

Edward Martínez is an extracurricular leader.

We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to your students actively participating in this exciting new program.

Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the sports program, which begins on April 1.