6. german competition1

German reading competition – Vorlesewettbewerb 

On October 6th, a reading competition was held at CADI for the first time. In the morning of that day each class determined a winner, who then competed against each other in the early afternoon. Parents were also warmly invited to witness the finale of our competition.

And here are our winners:

1st place: Lucia  Ehlich (8th grade)

2nd place: Juan Diego de la Peña (6th grade)

3rd place: Yannik Salles (5th grade)

We would like to congratulate our winners and all the other participating students once again for their great performance. We would also like to thank Mr. Jänicke, head of the German Panamanian Chamber of Commerce and father to one of our students in preschool, for being part of our jury. It was a pleasure to finally see our students with the German language in action. 

Keep up the good work!         

Maria Latzke

German Culture